The account balance is not being deducted from any of the accounts

128GB of ram should be enough to process 1M events. Could you show systemctl status yeti-cdr-billing@cdr_billing and last lines of dmesg

If you want drop events you should connect to CDR database and run:

cdr=# select * from pgq.get_consumer_info();
 queue_name  | consumer_name |      lag       |    last_seen    | last_tick | current_batch | next_tick | pending_events 
 cdr_billing | cdr_billing   | 09:48:56.63222 | 00:00:02.232517 |   1199607 |               |           |              0
(1 row)

cdr=# select pgq.unregister_consumer('cdr_billing','cdr_billing');
(1 row)

cdr=# select * from pgq.get_consumer_info();
 queue_name | consumer_name | lag | last_seen | last_tick | current_batch | next_tick | pending_events 
(0 rows)

cdr=# select pgq.register_consumer('cdr_billing','cdr_billing');
(1 row)

cdr=# select * from pgq.get_consumer_info();
 queue_name  | consumer_name |       lag       |   last_seen    | last_tick | current_batch | next_tick | pending_events 
 cdr_billing | cdr_billing   | 09:49:21.552044 | 00:00:08.12832 |   1199607 |               |           |              0
(1 row)


then you should restart cdr_billing process.

the service is not active, it is giving me error when i start it.

It should be started/restarted from root account

I just restarted it and now it shows 1069038 events, i guess i’ll wait for the events to get completed. Do you have any idea when will the events get completed ? is there a way i can increase the speed ?

Looks like your postgresql running with default configuration. You can increase speed by configuring it in right way. Also looks like your cdr_billing process crashed previous time and question is why.

yes, even i am thinking about the crash. any ideas on that ?

Could you show last lines of dmesg

i just checked the status and it failed again.