Admin API get destination issue

Im trying to get existing destination prefix (by its id) as following:
curl -g -X GET -H “Authorization: blalablaterefereqqcorrecttoken” -H “Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json” “[id]=4286188
API is properly exposed on that port and other admin methods work fine.

Response is 404

Yeti logs say:
Feb 10 09:43:21 yeti YETI-admin[5810]: [09:43:21.030266 ] [ INFO]: Started GET “/api/rest/admin/routing/destinations?filter[id]=4286188” for at 2021-02-10 09:43:21 -0600
Feb 10 09:43:21 yeti YETI-admin[5810]: [09:43:21.031253 ] [ INFO]: Processing by ApplicationController#render_404 as /
Feb 10 09:43:21 yeti YETI-admin[5810]: [09:43:21.031321 ] [ INFO]: Parameters: {“filter”=>{“id”=>“4286188”}, “a”=>“api/rest/admin/routing/destinations”}
Feb 10 09:43:21 yeti YETI-admin[5810]: [09:43:21.032461 ] [ INFO]: Rendering 404.html.erb within layouts/application
Feb 10 09:43:21 yeti YETI-admin[5810]: [09:43:21.033279 ] [ INFO]: Rendered 404.html.erb within layouts/application (0.7ms)
Feb 10 09:43:21 yeti YETI-admin[5810]: [09:43:21.034131 ] [ INFO]: Completed 404 Not Found in 3ms (Views: 2.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

What im doing wrong ?


Obviously doesnt work as the method provides plenty of parameters and can not guess, that im looking for ID. Resut is 404

YETI-admin[5810]: [09:43:21.031253 ] [ INFO]: Processing by ApplicationController#render_404 as /

Looks like invalid url. It should be processed by Api::Rest::Admin::Routing::DestinationsController