Custom CDR's not running

Good day,

Sometimes our custom CDR scheduler stops reporting and appear to hold up all other reports as well.
How can I troubleshoot what’s going wrong?


There is also a CSV export that does not run at all and is stuck in the background tasks, though I have seen the issue above without a background task being stuck.

You can find why scheduler was crashed at /var/log/yeti-admin.log.

Stucked background task is not related to scheduler issue - looks like delayed_job process is not running.

With yeti 1.9 we have this issue again; this time we get the message below:

Oct  4 00:30:01 voipswitch YETI-admin[60907]: [00:30:01.171434 ] [ERROR]: undefined method `make_tmpname' for Dir::Tmpname:Module
Oct  4 00:30:01 voipswitch YETI-admin[60907]: [00:30:01.171915 ] [ WARN]: /opt/yeti-web/app/services/reporter/base.rb:110:in `csv_file_name'#012/opt/yeti-web/app/services/reporter/base.rb:$
Oct  4 00:30:01 voipswitch YETI-admin[60907]: [00:30:01.189051 ] [ INFO]: Completed 204 No Content in 137ms (ActiveRecord: 88.5ms)
Oct  4 00:30:02 voipswitch YETI-admin[60907]: [00:30:02.385976 ] [ INFO]: Sent mail to (1211.2ms)
Oct  4 00:30:02 voipswitch YETI-admin[60907]: [00:30:02.386722 ] [ INFO]: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1316ms
Oct  4 00:30:02 voipswitch YETI-admin[60907]: [00:30:02.394285 ] [FATAL]:
Oct  4 00:30:02 voipswitch YETI-admin[60907]: [00:30:02.394841 ] [FATAL]: NoMethodError (undefined method `make_tmpname' for Dir::Tmpname:Module):
Oct  4 00:30:02 voipswitch YETI-admin[60907]: [00:30:02.395353 ] [FATAL]:
Oct  4 00:30:02 voipswitch YETI-admin[60907]: [00:30:02.395829 ] [FATAL]: app/services/reporter/base.rb:110:in `csv_file_name'#012app/services/reporter/base.rb:93:in `generate_csv_file'#01$

Any idea how to resolve this?

What exact version of yeti-web you are running?

Copyright 2019 Yeti Admin ver: 1.9.4. Routing ver 20190707141219. CDR ver 20190707214813.

This bug was fixed at 1.9.5, try to update your system to latest version and check again.

Updated to 1.9.5 and this issue indeed has been resolved, I can see the custom CDR report.

Quick note;
after upgrading the version number is unknown: Copyright 2019 Yeti Admin ver: unknown. Routing ver 20190707141219. CDR ver 20190707214813.