HI everybody. When I start SEMS, it gives me ansver:
[9848/9848] [yeti:cdr/TrustedHeaders.cpp:41] ERROR: pqxx_exception: ERROR: function
load_trusted_headers(unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM load_trusted_headers($1)
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
[9848/9848] [yeti:cdr/TrustedHeaders.cpp:54] ERROR: can’t load trusted headers config
[9848/9848] [yeti:yeti.cpp:309] ERROR: TrustedHeaders configure failed
[9848/9848] [yeti:SBC.cpp:118] ERROR: yeti configuration error
Your databases is not properly initialized.
How can I inicialize it ?
root@yeti:~# service sems start
Job for sems.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See “systemctl status sems.service” and “journalctl -xe” for details.
root@yeti:~# "systemctl status sems.service
root@yeti:~# systemctl status sems.service
● sems.service - SEMS for YETI project
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sems.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2020-06-29 15:02:42 MSK; 15s ago
Docs: Welcome to Yeti’s documentation! — Yeti documentation
Process: 64293 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sems -P /var/run/sems.pid -u root -g root -f /etc/sems/s
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: configuration file: /etc/sems/sems.conf
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: plug-in path: /usr/lib/sems/plug-in
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: daemon mode: yes
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: daemon UID: root
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: daemon GID: root
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: -----BEGIN CFG DUMP-----
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: -----END CFG DUMP-----
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti systemd[1]: sems.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti systemd[1]: sems.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti systemd[1]: Failed to start SEMS for YETI project.
lines 1-16/16 (END)
● sems.service - SEMS for YETI project
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sems.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2020-06-29 15:02:42 MSK; 15s ago
Docs: Welcome to Yeti’s documentation! — Yeti documentation
Process: 64293 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sems -P /var/run/sems.pid -u root -g root -f /etc/sems/sems.conf (code=exited, status=1/FA
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: configuration file: /etc/sems/sems.conf
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: plug-in path: /usr/lib/sems/plug-in
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: daemon mode: yes
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: daemon UID: root
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: daemon GID: root
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: -----BEGIN CFG DUMP-----
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti sems[64293]: -----END CFG DUMP-----
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti systemd[1]: sems.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti systemd[1]: sems.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
Jun 29 15:02:42 yeti systemd[1]: Failed to start SEMS for YETI project.
I inicialzed databases after their instalation. Or I must make it any time ?
It should be initialized one time during installation. Looks like you done something wrong.
Your SEMS connects to routing database that not contains right structure.
I initialized databases again but SEMS dosen’t run. How can I solve it ?
May be I have to delete databases and create them again ?
may be your SEMS connects to wrong databases
I installed Yeti on debian 9 and I have the same problem with SEMS:
[27029/27029] [core/AmThread.cpp:151] DEBUG: Thread session-cleaner 139907351279360 (139907351279360)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[27029/27029] [core/AmSessionContainer.cpp:172] DEBUG: brodcasting ServerShutdown system event to 0 sessions…
[27029/27052] [apps/sctp_bus/SctpBus.cpp:238] DEBUG: SctpBus stopped
[27029/27052] [core/AmThread.cpp:99] INFO: Thread sctp-bus 139906684458752 is ending
[27029/27043] [core/AmAudioFileRecorder.cpp:89] DEBUG: 0 unprocessed events on stop
[27029/27043] [core/AmAudioFileRecorder.cpp:97] DEBUG: 0 mono recorders on stop
[27029/27043] [core/AmAudioFileRecorder.cpp:101] DEBUG: 0 stereo recorders on stop
[27029/27043] [core/AmAudioFileRecorder.cpp:105] DEBUG: Audio recorder stopped
[27029/27043] [core/AmThread.cpp:99] INFO: Thread recorder 139907339699968 is ending
[27029/27044] [core/PcapFileRecorder.cpp:75] DEBUG: 0 unprocessed events on stop
[27029/27044] [core/PcapFileRecorder.cpp:83] DEBUG: pcap recorder stopped
[27029/27044] [core/AmThread.cpp:99] INFO: Thread pcap recorder 139907338647296 is ending
[27029/27029] [core/AmSessionContainer.cpp:186] DEBUG: waiting for active event queues to stop…
[27029/27051] [apps/registrar_client/SIPRegistrarClient.cpp:326] DEBUG: Session received system Event
[27029/27051] [apps/registrar_client/SIPRegistrarClient.cpp:312] DEBUG: shutdown SIP registrar client: deregistering
[27029/27051] [core/AmThread.cpp:99] INFO: Thread sip-reg-client 139906685511424 is ending
[27029/27054] [core/AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 139906682353408 is starting
[27029/27054] [apps/jsonrpc/RpcServerLoop.cpp:386] DEBUG: adding 0 more server threads
[27029/27054] [apps/jsonrpc/RpcServerThread.cpp:202] DEBUG: adding 0 RPC server threads
[27029/27054] [apps/jsonrpc/RpcServerLoop.cpp:391] INFO: running server loop; listening on
[27029/27054] [apps/jsonrpc/RpcServerLoop.cpp:437] INFO: running event loop
[27029/27050] [core/AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 139906688751360 is starting
[27029/27053] [core/AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 139906683406080 is starting
show your system.cfg and databases.yml
Hi, take system.cfg:
signalling {
globals {
yeti {
pop_id = 4
msg_logger_dir = /var/spool/sems/dump
audio_recorder_dir = /var/spool/sems/record
audio_recorder_compress = true
log_dir = /tmp
routing {
schema = switch8
function = route_release
init = init
master_pool {
host =
port = 5432
name = yeti
user = yeti
pass = Asdf1234
size = 4
check_interval = 10
max_exceptions = 0
failover_to_slave = false
slave_pool {
host =
port = 5432
name = yeti
user = yeti
pass = Asdf1234
size = 4
check_interval = 10
max_exceptions = 0
cache {
enabled = false
check_interval = 60
buckets = 100000
check_interval = 60
buckets = 100000
use_radius = false
cdr {
dir = /var/spool/sems/cdrs
completed_dir = /var/spool/sems/cdrs/completed
pool_size = 2
batch_size = 10
batch_timeout = 10000
check_interval = 2000
schema = switch
function = writecdr
master {
host =
port = 5433
name = cdr
user = cdr
pass = Asdf1234
failover_to_slave = false
slave {
host =
port = 5433
name = cdr
user = cdr
pass = Asdf1234
failover_requeue = true
failover_to_file = false
serialize_dynamic_fields = false
resources {
reject_on_error = false
write {
reject_on_error = false
write {
//socket = /var/run/redis/redis.sock
host =
port = 6379
size = 2
timeout = 500
read {
//socket = /var/run/redis/redis.sock
host =
port = 6379
size = 2
timeout = 1000
registrations {
check_interval = 5000
registrar {
enabled = false
redis {
host =
port = 6379
rpc {
calls_show_limit = 1000
statistics {
active-calls {
period = 5
clickhouse {
table = active_calls
queue = snapshots
buffering = false
allowed_fields = {
node 0 { }
lnp {
globals {
daemon {
listen = {
log_level = 2
db {
host =
port = 5432
name = yeti
user = yeti
pass = Asdf1234
schema = switch8
conn_timeout = 0
check_interval = 5000
sip {
contact_user = yeti-lnp-resolver
from_uri = sip:yeti-lnp-resolver@localhost
from_name = yeti-lnp-resolver
node 8 { }
GNU nano 2.7.4 File: /opt/yeti-web/config/database.yml
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: yeti
pool: 5
username: yeti
password: Asdf1234
schema_search_path: ‘gui, public, switch, billing, class4, runtime_stats, sys logs, data_import’
port: 5432
min_messages: notice
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: cdr
pool: 5
username: cdr
password: Asdf1234
schema_search_path: ‘cdr, reports, billing’
port: 5432
min_messages: notice
I improved system.cfg whit your link, and management server is working now, thanks for it. but SEMS dosen’t start
ul 02 17:34:08 yeti-srv sems[4405]: -----END CFG DUMP-----
Jul 02 17:34:08 yeti-srv yeti-management[465]: [466] info: server/src/SctpServer.cpp:247: associated with (7)
Jul 02 17:34:08 yeti-srv yeti-management[465]: [466] info: server/src/mgmt_server.cpp:211: process request for 'signalling' node 8
Jul 02 17:34:08 yeti-srv yeti-management[465]: [466] error: server/src/SctpServer.cpp:468: internal_exception: 404 unknown node
general {
daemon = yes
stderr = no
syslog_loglevel = 2
syslog_facility = LOCAL0
node_id = 8
code = 508
reason = "Yeti node in shutdown mode"
allow_uac = true
//pcap_upload_queue = pcap
media_processor_threads = 2
rtp_receiver_threads = 2
session_processor_threads = 10
sip_udp_server_threads = 2
sip_tcp_server_threads = 2
interface input
default-media-interface = input
ip4 {
sip-udp {
address =
port = 5061
use-raw-sockets = off
sip-tcp {
address =
port = 5061
connect-timeout = 2000
static-client-port = on
use-raw-sockets = off
media-interfaces {
interface input {
ip4 {
rtp {
address =
low-port = 16383
high-port = 32767
dscp = 46
use-raw-sockets = off
modules {
module "di_log"{}
module "mp3"{}
module "opus"{}
module "wav"{}
module "gsm"{}
module "ilbc"{}
module "adpcm"{}
module "l16"{}
module "g722"{}
module "registrar_client" {}
module "sctp_bus"{}
module "http_client"{}
module "session_timer"{}
module "jsonrpc"{
address =
port = 7080
module-global "uac_auth" { }
module "yeti" {
management {
address =
port = 4444
timeout = 60000
core_options_handling = yes
routing {
application = yeti
Jul 02 17:34:08 yeti-srv yeti-management[465]: [466] info: server/src/mgmt_server.cpp:211: process request for 'signalling' node 8
Jul 02 17:34:08 yeti-srv yeti-management[465]: [466] error: server/src/SctpServer.cpp:468: internal_exception: 404 unknown node
There is no node 8 section in your system.cfg, see https://yeti-switch.org/docs/en/installation-1.10/management.html
Or may be configuration is not applied - yeti-management should be restarted.