How connect 2 clients with same ip


Need help with connecting 2 clients using same ip. As i understood, have to create 2 gateways with different creds for incoming registration. But what i need to do further? Create 2 customers auth or?
Will be appriciate for help, thanks

english pls.

sure, edited

yes, you have to create 2 customer auths with require incoming auth = true. But this is one of possible options. You could also create 2 customer auths with same gateway but different match conditions like dst/src prefixes, domains

thanks a lot! and in first case i also have to set ip in customers auth, right?

In both cases you have to define IP in customer auth match conditions. But when require incoming auth = true it is relative safe to use because additional username/password check will be done. But if your client IP is known and stable - better to set specific IP in customer auth even if require incoming auth = true.

Thanks a lot!!!