How do I set two IP interfaces

Hi, Team

My cloud server has two IP addresses, one public IP address is connected to Origination, and the other internal IP address is connected to termination.

How do I configure two network adapters? How do I use a public IP address to make incoming calls and an internal IP address to make outgoing calls.

Excuse me again. Thank you very much

just add additional interface section in your sems.conf:

 signaling-interfaces {
     interface input {
     interface blabla {

Thank you reply my question
Please refer to the screenshot of the two interfaces I configured.
But Unable to outbound from Internel: to server
Vendor———— ——server
The same is true for RTP

Looking forward to your reply

Could you explain? What you expecting and what observing?

Hi, dmitry.s
After I added the public address, the contactIP and SDP addresses were changed to the public address, and the vendor trunk problem was solved.
However, the Intranet server also receives the public IP address, causing signaling and RTP to be sent from the public network.
So I want to configure two interfaces, one for the public network and one for the Intranet.

Have you defined sip interface name in your “Intranet” gateway configuration?

I don’t understand

Sems.conf or yeti Web?
yeti web ——gateway ——signaling——SIP INTERFACE NAME is No configuration,
Don’t know how to configure it
Where is “Intranet” modified