LNP configuration questions

Hi team.
I have been working in production with the system for a few months now and I find it great, I use kamailio as a proxy and 4 nodes with sems and it works very well.


I currently use porting but I had to do it outside of the yeti-switch system, I did it in Kamailio.
I can’t manage to implement everything related to LNP in Yeti-Switch.

Could you help me with examples of the configuration steps for this.
I currently use SIP 301/302 redirects for this

Thank you

I’m trying to do the same exact thing – can’t seem to make all the pieces work together.

Hi team.
My configuration is the following.



For any query the service responds:

SIP/2.0 503 No response from LNP DB

And I don’t see any connection going out to the server that responds to LNP

Grateful in advance for your support