RURI Manipulations (Unresolvable FQDN Broadsoft Requirement)

Hello all !

Our two main vendors use Broadsoft softswitch and I need to modify the RURI.

Is LUA scripting functional in 1.12.156 ? I see it under the System menu, added a basic script, assigned it to a Gateway Translation but cannot get it to work (nor do I know where to look for some debuging on that part of the process).

Alternatively, is there a way to modify the RURI elsewhere ?

INVITE sip:1234567890@ SIP/2.0


Everything else is working perfectly on our proof of concept except this.

Thanks !

just set host in gw to

I thought about that, but the FQDN does not resolve to IP. It’s on a private MPLS leg.

Traffic needs to be sent to with headers as

I’ve attempted to put the FQDN entry in the /etc/hosts file but I get 478 Unresolvable destination. I’ve also adjusted the /etc/nsswitch.conf to force “hosts: file” only without success.

What steps does Yeti take to resolve hostnames ? Does it do any internal caching as well ?

Yeti is not processing /etc/hosts - there is internal DNS resolver implementation.

is acts as SIP proxy?

If yes - you have to set and Term use outbound proxy=true and Term outbound proxy= In this case not configured DNS still problem but now it is responsibility of proxy how to handle it.

If no:

a. Fix DNS, should be resolved. This is proper solution of your issue. See .b if not possible.
b. set gw host to and term next hop to

Thanks for the clarification on the internal DNS resolver. That helps understand and workaround !

I activated a DNS server locally and got it to resolve the fake FQDN to the proper internal IP – this works.

Two followup questions:

  1. Is LUA scripting functional in 1.12.156 ?
  2. Is the Patreon donation link in the forum header still the best way to contribute for your time ?

I activated a DNS server locally and got it to resolve the fake FQDN to the proper internal IP – this works.

Looks like b. solution is better then custom dns server)

  1. No.
  2. I will ping you in chat/PM there