December 1, 2024, 11:25pm
I have Debian 11, i used this link to install semi
In /etc/sems/sems.conf i put my public IP instead <SIGNALLING_IP>, <MEDIA_IP>
Also in node_id and pop_id i put number 1 cause thats what i created in yeti-switch admin
I did service sems start
On pgrep sems it didnt output nothing, also netstat -lpn | grep sems
On systemctl status sems i get:
systemctl status sems
● sems.service - SEMS for YETI project
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sems.service; disabled; vendor preset:>
Active: inactive (dead)
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30907/AmThread.cpp:9>
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30966/AmThread.cpp:9>
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30906/AmThread.cpp:9>
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30904/sems.cpp:930] >
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30904/http_client:Ht>
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30904/yeti:SqlRouter>
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30904/AmEventQueuePr>
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30965/AmThread.cpp:9>
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30904/sems.cpp:941] >
Dec 01 18:01:03 systemd[1]: sems.service: Succeede>
lines 1-15/15 (END)...skipping...
● sems.service - SEMS for YETI project
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sems.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30907/AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread app-wheeltimer 140655584499456 is ending
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30966/AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread sip-wheeltimer 140654101325568 is ending
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30906/AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread AmThreadWatcher 140655585552128 is ending
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30904/sems.cpp:930] INFO: Disposing plug-ins
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30904/http_client:HttpClient.cpp:42] INFO: ~HttpClientFactory
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30904/yeti:SqlRouter.cpp:88] INFO: SqlRouter instance[0x559e5ac5c4e8] destroyed
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30904/AmEventQueueProcessor.cpp:145] INFO: requesting worker to stop.
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30965/AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread event-queue 140654102378240 is ending
Dec 01 18:01:03 sems[30904]: [30904/sems.cpp:941] INFO: Exiting (success)
Dec 01 18:01:03 systemd[1]: sems.service: Succeeded.
How can i see error log ?
December 1, 2024, 11:47pm
I have found where is logs /var/log/sems/sems-main.log . Here is what i get with sems -E -D3 command:
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'A' to 500 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'B' to 32000 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'D' to 32000 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'E' to 500 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'F' to 32000 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'K' to 5000 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'G' to 500 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'H' to 32000 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'I' to 5000 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'J' to 32000 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'L' to 32000 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'M' to 8000 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'C' to 180000 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1011] DEBUG: Set SIP Timer 'BL' to 32000 ms
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:2208] DEBUG: iface='lo';ip='';flags=0x10049
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:2208] DEBUG: iface='eth0';ip='';flags=0x11043
configuration file: /etc/sems/sems.conf
plug-in path: /usr/lib/sems/plug-in
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1929] INFO: Signaling interfaces:
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1932] INFO: (0) name='internal'
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1949] INFO: UDP
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1951] INFO: LocalIP='';local_port='5060';PublicIP=''; DSCP=0
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1937] INFO: TCP 2000/900000
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1951] INFO: LocalIP='';local_port='5060';PublicIP=''; DSCP=0
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1961] INFO: Signaling address map:
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1968] INFO: -> internal
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1973] INFO: Media interfaces:
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1977] INFO: (0) name='internal'
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1981] INFO: RTP
[97692/97692] [AmLcConfig.cpp:1985] INFO: LocalIP='';Ports=[16384;32769];MediaCapacity=8193;PublicIP=''; DSCP=46
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:430] INFO: Open FDs limit has been raised to 1048576
[97692/97693] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342736344832 is starting
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:890] DEBUG: DI Interface 'core' registered.
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:763] INFO: Starting application timer scheduler
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:261] DEBUG: trying to add thread 0 to thread watcher
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:267] DEBUG: added thread 0 to thread watcher
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:767] INFO: Starting session container
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:771] INFO: Starting session processor threads
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:90] DEBUG: starting 20 session processor threads
[97692/97697] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342732134144 is starting
[97692/97697] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97696] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342733186816 is starting
[97692/97703] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342725818112 is starting
[97692/97703] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97701] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342727923456 is starting
[97692/97701] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97699] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342730028800 is starting
[97692/97699] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97706] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342722660096 is starting
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:97] DEBUG: now 20 session processor threads running
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:776] INFO: Starting audio recorder
[97692/97706] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97708] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342720554752 is starting
[97692/97708] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97710] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342718449408 is starting
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:779] INFO: Starting pcap recorder
[97692/97710] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97712] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342716344064 is starting
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:782] INFO: Starting media processor
[97692/97714] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342714238720 is starting
[97692/97692] [AmMediaProcessor.cpp:95] DEBUG: Starting 4 MediaProcessorThreads.
[97692/97714] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:785] INFO: Starting stun processor
[97692/97712] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97716] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342712133376 is starting
[97692/97716] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:798] INFO: Starting RTP receiver
[97692/97721] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342706870016 is starting
[97692/97719] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342708975360 is starting
[97692/97723] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342704764672 is starting
[97692/97713] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342715291392 is starting
[97692/97713] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97711] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342717396736 is starting
[97692/97711] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97709] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342719502080 is starting
[97692/97709] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97707] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342721607424 is starting
[97692/97707] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97705] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342723712768 is starting
[97692/97705] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97702] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342726870784 is starting
[97692/97702] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97700] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342728976128 is starting
[97692/97700] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97698] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342731081472 is starting
[97692/97698] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97695] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342734239488 is starting
[97692/97694] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342735292160 is starting
[97692/97715] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342713186048 is starting
[97692/97715] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97704] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342724765440 is starting
[97692/97704] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:139] DEBUG: running processing loop
[97692/97720] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342707922688 is starting
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:801] INFO: Starting SIP stack (control interface)
[97692/97727] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342699992832 is starting
[97692/97722] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342705817344 is starting
[97692/97724] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342703150848 is starting
[97692/97692] [sip/udp_trsp.cpp:162] DEBUG: UDP transport bound to
[97692/97725] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342702098176 is starting
[97692/97726] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342701045504 is starting
[97692/97718] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342710028032 is starting
[97692/97692] [sip/udp_trsp.cpp:514] INFO: Added SIP server UDP transport on
[97692/97692] [sip/udp_trsp.cpp:514] INFO: Added SIP server UDP transport on
[97692/97692] [sip/tcp_base_trsp.cpp:908] DEBUG: TCP transport bound to
[97692/97692] [sip/tcp_base_trsp.cpp:939] DEBUG: 0x5574b2a90a50 created ev_accept 0x5574b2ae18a0 with base 0x5574b2a90390
[97692/97692] [sip/tcp_base_trsp.cpp:940] DEBUG: 0x5574b2a90a50 add ev_accept 0x5574b2ae18a0
[97692/97692] [sip/tcp_base_trsp.cpp:1031] INFO: Added SIP server tcp transport on
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:806] INFO: Loading plug-ins
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:151] DEBUG: adding built-in codecs...
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 0 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 6 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'telephone-event/800' inserted with id 96 and order 196
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'telephone-event/800' inserted with id 97 and order 197
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'telephone-event/800' inserted with id 98 and order 198
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'telephone-event/800' inserted with id 99 and order 199
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'telephone-event/800' inserted with id 100 and order 200
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:179] DEBUG: loading /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:620] DEBUG: component 'di_log' loaded.
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:670] DEBUG: logging facility component 'di_log' loaded.
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:179] DEBUG: loading /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/
[97692/97692] [mp3:mp3.cpp:100] DEBUG: MP3 module loaded.
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 5 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:767] DEBUG: file format MP3 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:179] DEBUG: loading /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:686] WARNING: codec 60 does not provide bytes2samples function
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:689] WARNING: codec 60 does not provide samples2bytes function
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 60 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'OPUS/24000' inserted with id 101 and order 201
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:179] DEBUG: loading /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 1 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 2 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 61 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'PCMU/8000' inserted with id 0 and order 100
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'PCMA/8000' inserted with id 8 and order 108
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:767] DEBUG: file format Wav inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:179] DEBUG: loading /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 3 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'GSM/8000' inserted with id 3 and order 103
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:179] DEBUG: loading /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 4 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'iLBC/8000' inserted with id 102 and order 202
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:767] DEBUG: file format iLBC inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:179] DEBUG: loading /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 8 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 9 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 10 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 11 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'G726-32/8000' inserted with id 103 and order 203
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'G721/8000' inserted with id 2 and order 102
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'G726-24/8000' inserted with id 104 and order 204
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'G726-40/8000' inserted with id 105 and order 205
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'G726-16/8000' inserted with id 106 and order 206
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:179] DEBUG: loading /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 12 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'L16/32000' inserted with id 107 and order 207
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'L16/16000' inserted with id 108 and order 208
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'L16/8000' inserted with id 109 and order 209
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:179] DEBUG: loading /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:692] DEBUG: codec id 13 inserted
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:728] DEBUG: payload 'g722/16000' inserted with id 9 and order 109
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:179] DEBUG: loading /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:259] ERROR: AmPlugIn::loadPlugIn: /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/ /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:182] ERROR: while loading plug-in '/usr/lib/sems/plug-in/'
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:868] INFO: Disposing session container
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-cleaner 140342733186816 (140342733186816)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionContainer.cpp:172] DEBUG: brodcasting ServerShutdown system event to 0 sessions...
[97692/97692] [AmSessionContainer.cpp:187] DEBUG: waiting for active event queues to stop...
[97692/97717] [AmThread.cpp:92] INFO: Thread 140342711080704 is starting
[97692/97718] [PcapFileRecorder.cpp:75] DEBUG: 0 unprocessed events on stop
[97692/97718] [PcapFileRecorder.cpp:83] DEBUG: pcap recorder stopped
[97692/97718] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread pcap recorder 140342710028032 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmSessionContainer.cpp:196] WARNING: Not all calls cleanly ended!
[97692/97692] [AmSessionContainer.cpp:199] DEBUG: cleaning sessions...
[97692/97696] [AmSessionContainer.cpp:168] DEBUG: Session cleaner terminating
[97692/97696] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-cleaner 140342733186816 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-cleaner 140342733186816 (140342733186816) finished detach
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:874] DEBUG: ** Transaction table dump: **
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:876] DEBUG: *****************************
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:885] INFO: Disposing RTP receiver
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread rtp-rx 140342703150848 (140342703150848)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmRtpReceiver.cpp:115] INFO: requesting RTP receiver to stop.
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread rtp-rx 140342703150848 (140342703150848) finished detach
[97692/97724] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread rtp-rx 140342703150848 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread rtp-rx 140342702098176 (140342702098176)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmRtpReceiver.cpp:115] INFO: requesting RTP receiver to stop.
[97692/97725] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread rtp-rx 140342702098176 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread rtp-rx 140342702098176 (140342702098176) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread rtp-rx 140342701045504 (140342701045504)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmRtpReceiver.cpp:115] INFO: requesting RTP receiver to stop.
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread rtp-rx 140342701045504 (140342701045504) finished detach
[97692/97726] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread rtp-rx 140342701045504 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread rtp-rx 140342699992832 (140342699992832)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmRtpReceiver.cpp:115] INFO: requesting RTP receiver to stop.
[97692/97727] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread rtp-rx 140342699992832 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread rtp-rx 140342699992832 (140342699992832) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmRtpReceiver.cpp:110] INFO: RTP receiver has been recycled.
[97692/97692] [AmRtpReceiver.cpp:110] INFO: RTP receiver has been recycled.
[97692/97692] [AmRtpReceiver.cpp:110] INFO: RTP receiver has been recycled.
[97692/97692] [AmRtpReceiver.cpp:110] INFO: RTP receiver has been recycled.
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:888] INFO: Stop session processor
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342732134144 (140342732134144)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97697] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342732134144 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342732134144
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342732134144 (140342732134144) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342731081472 (140342731081472)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97698] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342731081472 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342731081472
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342731081472 (140342731081472) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342730028800 (140342730028800)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97699] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342730028800 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342730028800
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342730028800 (140342730028800) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342728976128 (140342728976128)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97700] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342728976128 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342728976128
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342728976128 (140342728976128) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342727923456 (140342727923456)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97701] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342727923456 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342727923456
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342727923456 (140342727923456) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342726870784 (140342726870784)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97702] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342726870784 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342726870784
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342726870784 (140342726870784) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342725818112 (140342725818112)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97703] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342725818112 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342725818112
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342725818112 (140342725818112) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342724765440 (140342724765440)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97704] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342724765440 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342724765440
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342724765440 (140342724765440) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342723712768 (140342723712768)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97705] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342723712768 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342723712768
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342723712768 (140342723712768) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342722660096 (140342722660096)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97706] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342722660096 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342722660096
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342722660096 (140342722660096) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342721607424 (140342721607424)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97707] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342721607424 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342721607424
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342721607424 (140342721607424) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342720554752 (140342720554752)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97708] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342720554752 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342720554752
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342720554752 (140342720554752) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342719502080 (140342719502080)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97709] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342719502080 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342719502080
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342719502080 (140342719502080) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342718449408 (140342718449408)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97710] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342718449408 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342718449408
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342718449408 (140342718449408) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342717396736 (140342717396736)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97711] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342717396736 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342717396736
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342717396736 (140342717396736) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342716344064 (140342716344064)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97712] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342716344064 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342716344064
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342716344064 (140342716344064) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342715291392 (140342715291392)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97713] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342715291392 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342715291392
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342715291392 (140342715291392) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342714238720 (140342714238720)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97714] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342714238720 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342714238720
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342714238720 (140342714238720) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342713186048 (140342713186048)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97715] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342713186048 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342713186048
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342713186048 (140342713186048) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342712133376 (140342712133376)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmSessionProcessor.cpp:211] INFO: requesting session to stop.
[97692/97716] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread session-proc 140342712133376 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342712133376
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread session-proc 140342712133376 (140342712133376) finished detach
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:891] INFO: Disposing media processor
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread media-proc 140342708975360 (140342708975360)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmMediaProcessor.cpp:357] INFO: requesting media processor to stop.
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread media-proc 140342708975360 (140342708975360) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread media-proc 140342707922688 (140342707922688)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmMediaProcessor.cpp:357] INFO: requesting media processor to stop.
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread media-proc 140342707922688 (140342707922688) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread media-proc 140342706870016 (140342706870016)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmMediaProcessor.cpp:357] INFO: requesting media processor to stop.
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread media-proc 140342706870016 (140342706870016) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread media-proc 140342705817344 (140342705817344)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmMediaProcessor.cpp:357] INFO: requesting media processor to stop.
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread media-proc 140342705817344 (140342705817344) finished detach
[97692/97722] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread media-proc 140342705817344 is ending
[97692/97721] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread media-proc 140342706870016 is ending
[97692/97719] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread media-proc 140342708975360 is ending
[97692/97720] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread media-proc 140342707922688 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmMediaProcessor.cpp:87] INFO: Media processor has been recycled.
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:894] INFO: Disposing stun processor
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread stun-timer 140342704764672 (140342704764672)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342704764672
[97692/97723] [AmStunProcessor.cpp:52] DEBUG: stun processor stopped
[97692/97723] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread stun-timer 140342704764672 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread stun-timer 140342704764672 (140342704764672) finished detach
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:897] INFO: Disposing audio file recorder
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread recorder 140342711080704 (140342711080704)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97717] [AmAudioFileRecorder.cpp:89] DEBUG: 0 unprocessed events on stop
[97692/97717] [AmAudioFileRecorder.cpp:97] DEBUG: 0 mono recorders on stop
[97692/97717] [AmAudioFileRecorder.cpp:101] DEBUG: 0 stereo recorders on stop
[97692/97717] [AmAudioFileRecorder.cpp:105] DEBUG: Audio recorder stopped
[97692/97717] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread recorder 140342711080704 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread recorder 140342711080704 (140342711080704) finished detach
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:900] INFO: Disposing pcap file recorder
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:903] INFO: Disposing event dispatcher
[97692/97692] [AmEventDispatcher.cpp:238] DEBUG: *** dumping Event dispatcher buckets ***
[97692/97692] [AmEventDispatcher.cpp:256] DEBUG: *** End of Event dispatcher bucket dump ***
[97692/97692] [SipCtrlInterface.cpp:829] DEBUG: Stopping SIP control interface threads
[97692/97692] [SipCtrlInterface.cpp:822] DEBUG: dec_ref(0x5574b2a99c30)
[97692/97692] [SipCtrlInterface.cpp:822] DEBUG: dec_ref(0x5574b2a90a50)
[97692/97692] [sip/resolver.cpp:1550] DEBUG: resolver::clear_cache() 0 entries removed
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread resolver 140342736344832 (140342736344832)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342736344832
[97692/97693] [sip/resolver.cpp:1626] DEBUG: resolver thread finished
[97692/97693] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread resolver 140342736344832 is ending
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread resolver 140342736344832 (140342736344832) finished detach
[97692/97692] [AmThread.cpp:273] DEBUG: cleanup threads garbage collector
[97692/97694] [AmThread.cpp:290] DEBUG: Thread watcher starting its work
[97692/97694] [AmThread.cpp:302] DEBUG: thread 140342734239488 is to be processed in thread watcher
[97692/97694] [AmThread.cpp:306] DEBUG: request thread 140342734239488 to stop and join it
[97692/97694] [AmThread.cpp:148] DEBUG: Thread app-wheeltimer 140342734239488 (140342734239488)calling on_stop, give it a chance to clean up
[97692/97694] [AmThread.cpp:156] DEBUG: join thread 140342734239488
[97692/97695] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread app-wheeltimer 140342734239488 is ending
[97692/97694] [AmThread.cpp:173] DEBUG: Thread app-wheeltimer 140342734239488 (140342734239488) finished detach
[97692/97694] [AmThread.cpp:312] DEBUG: thread 140342734239488 has been destroyed
[97692/97694] [AmThread.cpp:329] DEBUG: Thread watcher completed
[97692/97694] [AmThread.cpp:333] DEBUG: Thread watcher finished
[97692/97694] [AmThread.cpp:98] INFO: Thread AmThreadWatcher 140342735292160 is ending
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:930] INFO: Disposing plug-ins
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:113] DEBUG: decreasing reference to plug-in factory: di_log
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:113] DEBUG: decreasing reference to plug-in factory: stderr
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:113] DEBUG: decreasing reference to plug-in factory: syslog
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:113] DEBUG: decreasing reference to plug-in factory: core
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:113] DEBUG: decreasing reference to plug-in factory: di_log
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:113] DEBUG: decreasing reference to plug-in factory: /usr/lib/sems/plug-in/
[97692/97692] [AmPlugIn.cpp:113] DEBUG: decreasing reference to plug-in factory: di_log
[97692/97692] [sems.cpp:941] INFO: Exiting (failure)
Remove module bcg729 from config.
December 2, 2024, 12:02am
I have removed both, second i added with command apt install sems-modules-g729-bcg
Now i get bigger log with command using sems -E -D3
Previously i tried to uninstall remove sems and sems-modules-yeti and installed again
Service sems is dead inactive on systemctl status sems
December 2, 2024, 12:21am
I have put back original configuration for /etc/sems/sems.conf:
general {
stderr = no
syslog_loglevel = 2
syslog_facility = LOCAL0
node_id = 8
shutdown_mode {
code = 508
reason = "Yeti node in shutdown mode"
allow_uac = true
media_processor_threads = 4
rtp_receiver_threads = 4
session_processor_threads = 20
sip_udp_server_threads = 2
sip_tcp_server_threads = 2
symmetric_rtp_mode = packets
symmetric_rtp_packets = 20
signaling-interfaces {
interface internal {
default-media-interface = internal
ip4 {
sip-udp {
address =
port = 5060
use-raw-sockets = off
sip-tcp {
address =
port = 5060
connect-timeout = 2000
static-client-port = on
use-raw-sockets = off
media-interfaces {
interface internal {
ip4 {
rtp {
address =
low-port = 16384
high-port = 32769
dscp = 46
use-raw-sockets = off
modules {
module "di_log" {}
module "mp3" {}
module "opus" {}
module "wav" {}
module "gsm" {}
module "ilbc" {}
module "adpcm" {}
module "l16" {}
module "g722" {}
module "g729bcg" {}
module "registrar_client" {}
module "sctp_bus" {}
module "session_timer" {}
module "jsonrpc" {
address =
port = 7080
server_threads = 1
module "http_client" {}
module-global "uac_auth" {}
module "options_prober" {}
module "radius_client" {}
module "yeti" {
pop_id = 4
lega_cdr_headers {
header(p-charge-info, string)
header(diversion, array)
auth {
realm = yeti-switch
msg_logger_dir = /var/spool/sems/dump
audio_recorder_dir = /var/spool/sems/records
audio_recorder_compress = true
db_refresh_interval = 5
ip_auth_reject_if_no_matched = true
routing {
schema = switch20
function = route_release
init = init
master_pool {
host =
port = 5432
name = yeti
user = yeti
pass = somepassword
size = 4
check_interval = 10
max_exceptions = 0
failover_to_slave = false
slave_pool {
host =
port = 5432
name = yeti
user = yeti
pass = somepassword
size = 4
check_interval = 10
max_exceptions = 0
cdr {
dir = /var/spool/sems/cdrs
completed_dir = /var/spool/sems/cdrs/completed
pool_size = 2
schema = switch
function = writecdr
master {
host =
port = 5433
name = cdr
user = cdr
pass = somepassword
failover_to_slave = false
slave {
host =
port = 5433
name = cdr
user = cdr
pass = somepassword
failover_requeue = true
failover_to_file = false
serialize_dynamic_fields = true
batch_size = 1
batch_timeout = 5000
resources {
reject_on_error = false
write {
host =
port = 6379
size = 2
timeout = 500
read {
host =
port = 6379
size = 2
timeout = 1000
registrations {
check_interval = 5000
registrar {
enabled = true
expires_min = 600
expires_max = 7200
expires_default = 1200
redis {
host =
port = 6379
rpc {
calls_show_limit = 10000
core_options_handling = yes
routing {
application = yeti
Output log is:
Remove module g729bcg from config
December 2, 2024, 12:39am
Its active now. Should i get woried about this warnings in systemctl status sems ?
December 2, 2024, 12:49am
It is again dead inactive when i try systemctl status sems or systemctl restart sems
Maybe i should reinstall server ?
December 2, 2024, 1:49am
I have reinstalled yeti switch again, removed module “g729bcg” {} and sems was active on start and after again dead inactive
I dont know how else to start it aand whats causing this, its uppon fresh install
December 2, 2024, 1:53am
Also there is no output for:
pgrep sems
netstat -lpn | grep sems
You have to find error in logs again