SSL Domain not work

Can you tell me how to create an SSL certificate for a domain using certbot?
If I try to log in after my settings, it lets me into the web, but when I enter the data, I am redirected to the login page

This question is not in scope of yeti. Read nginx documentation how to use it with letsencrypt - Update: Using Free Let’s Encrypt SSL/TLS Certificates with NGINX

I did everything according to the instructions.

**Oct 17 19:10:24 250669 Yeti-Web[89111]: [a7c27530-3413-4cf4-a5e8-105f658932c5] Started POST "/login" to xxxxxxxxx at 2024-10-17 19:10:24 +0200**
**Oct 17 19:10:24 250669 Yeti-Web[89111]: [a7c27530-3413-4cf4-a5e8-105f658932c5] HTTP Origin header ( does not match request.base_url (http://**
**Oct 17 19:10:24 250669 Yeti-Web[89111]: [a7c27530-3413-4cf4-a5e8-105f658932c5] Redirected to**
**Oct 17 19:10:24 250669 Yeti-Web[89111]: [83d4f0aa-19dd-47bd-bd98-82660aa58703] Started GET "/" for xxxxxxxx at 2024-10-17 19:10:24 +0200**
**Oct 17 19:10:25 250669 Yeti-Web[89111]: [368ade34-5e09-4dd6-b15e-fa7849f61934] Started GET "/login" for xxxxxxxxx at 2024-10-17 19:10:25 +0200**
**Oct 17 19:10:25 250669 Yeti-Web[89111]: [368ade34-5e09-4dd6-b15e-fa7849f61934] Rendered active_admin/devise/sessions/new.html.erb in layouts/active_admin_logged_out (Duration: 12.6 ms | Distributions: 2318)**

But I get this error

try to set header X-Forwarded-Proto on nginx