
I am installing Yeti-Switch using the installation document
yeti-switch repository and version is 1.12 installing on Debian 11.

The problem is AWS doesn’t directly assign public IP to the VM interface, instead it assigns a private IP address to the VM and the Public ip is mapped to that private IP.

now when I am trying to configure the sems module and in signaling and media section if I put public IP address it doesn’t start.

If i put the private ip address then the startup would be okay but the challenge would be calling/communication with sip providers connecting with public IP as all the ip address mentions in the invite/sdp packets would contain the private ip address and communication would break.

I am using the sample sems.conf file as provided in the documentation. How can this be addressed?

            public-address  = 191.X.X.243
            address = 10.X.X.241

Thanks for the support. I have another one please.

I have installed the version 1.12 but the databases are empty in that version. I dont see any countries, prefix and stuff.
How can get all this data like we used to have this once installed in the older versions.
